Selasa, 16 November 2010


(Zoran Todorovich)

Bagi sebagian besar orang, email tampaknya menjadi rahmat sekaligus bencana. Email dapat menghemat biaya komunikasi, terutama pada orang-orang yg jarang berhubungan dengan kita. Namun, dapat membuat kita menderita dengan menerima banjir "spam email".

Tidak banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menghadapi para "spammers" ini kecuali terus-menerus melaporkannya pd "network administrator" kita. Bagaimanapun, dalam melakukan korespondensi pribadi, kita seyogyanya tetap bersopan-santun untuk menjaga hubungan baik.

Berikut 10 saran bersopan-santun dalam ber-email ria :

1. Benahi susunan email "forwards" anda. Bila anda ingin memforward sebagian atau seluruh pesan pada pihak lain, maka luangkan sedikit waktu anda untuk menghapus tanda yang biasanya muncul. Seperti tanda ">" dsb.

2. Gantilah "Subject" atau Judul email bila topik pembicaraan anda berubah. Seringkali setelah saling bertukar email beberapa kali, topik pembicaraan berubah dari aslinya, namun "subject" atau judul email belum juga diganti. Akan jauh lebih mudah untuk melacak email yang masuk bila "subject" disesuaikan dan dapat mencerminkan isi email yang sedang anda tulis.

3. Hapuslah pesan reply yang tidak perlu. Beberapa program email secara otomatis memunculkan isi email yang terdahulu bila anda sedang membalas/mereplynya. Ada baiknya anda menghapus pesan tersebut dan hanya tinggalkan pesan yang benar-benar anda anggap perlu.

4. Jangan teruskan surat berantai. Anda tentu merasa terganggu dan jengkel bila seseorang mengirimi anda sebuah email tentang humor atau cerita-cerita, kemudian meminta anda untuk meneruskannya dengan segera pada 10 teman anda yang lain, atau bila tidak maka anda akan ketiban sial. Mengapa anda juga bermaksud mengganggu dan membuat orang lain jengkel bila anda meneruskan email semacam ini? Hapus saja dengan menekan tombol "delete".

5. Hormati privacy orang lain. Ini termasuk juga alamat email mereka. Bila anda sedang mengirim email ke sejumlah orang yang mungkin satu sama lain tidak saling mengenal, gunakan "bcc" atau "blind carbon copy " agar alamat-alamat email mereka tidak saling diketahui. Bila anda mudah mengirim email ke banyak alamat sekaligus tanpa mempertimbangkan saran ini, maka bersiap-siaplah untuk dikomplain karena mereka menerima spam.

6. Jangan melakukan spam. Mungkin saja anda tidak sengaja melakukannya, tetapi banyak orang tidak menyadari jika mereka menggunakan alamat-alamat email yang mereka dapat dari "forwarded email", kemudian menggunakannya tanpa permisi, ini termasuk bentuk spam.

7. Jangan berteriak-teriak. Menulis dengan mengaktifkan huruf besar (tombol "Caps Lock") dapat diartikan sebagai pertanda kemarahan. Orang mungkin menganggap anda sebagai pengguna internet yang tidak baik, atau tidak sopan sama sekali.

8. Jangan mudah "terbakar", over-reaksi, atau terburu-buru menghapus suatu email tanpa berusaha memikirkannya dgn baik. Dalam bahasa tulis, kita memiliki waktu untuk memikirkan bagaimana kita merespon atas sesuatu email yang membuat kita marah. Begitu juga dengan beremail ria. Bila anda merasa dipenuhi dengan emosi yang kuat, kemudian menulis balasan dengan emosional pula, maka sebaiknya jangan keburu anda kirim email tersebut. Simpanlah dulu dalam "draft folder" selama beberapa hari untuk dibaca ulang. Banyak persahabatan yang hancur gara-gara terburu-buru menanggapi suatu email tanpa berusaha memikirkannya dengan bijaksana.

9. Bersabarlah dalam menunggu "reply". Ketahuilah, orang tidak hanya hidup dengan internet. Mereka mungkin tidak membalas email anda dengan segera. Masih banyak orang yg men-cek email mereka seminggu sekali.

10. Akuilah bahwa tidak semua orang senang menerima segala yang anda anggap lucu. Jangan terus-menerus mengirimkan sesuatu pada mereka yang tidak pernah membalasnya, meskipun dengan ucapan terima kasih. Jangan lupa: Luangkan waktu juga untuk memikirkan apa yang kita forward kan dan kepada siapa kita memforwardkan suatu email. Tidak semua orang setuju atau suka dengan materi yang kita forwardkan. Untuk orang-orang tertentu, subyek-subyek tertentu yang kita anggap lucu dan menarik atau ringan) bisa jadi sangat sensitif dan serius!!



I spend much of my time pointing out where things went wrong with this person's approach, or that person's
relationship, etc. I thought it might be time to look at what makes a relationship "right". That is, how do you know you're in a relationship that can last? Here's my top 10:

10. You feel good about yourself and your world.

A good relationship makes you feel great. It should fill in your "gaps" and make you feel whole. It should give you emotional strength and help you to feel that everything is ok and will continue to be. Another good sign is that you're better able to survive disasters at work, at home, etc. not because you know someone will be there to solve them, but because you know that YOU can.

9. You look forward to spending time together.

Far too many couples stay together out of habit. They don't really look forward to being together and try to find
ways to avoid it. For example, they always try to include other friends, go to an event so that they'll have something to do, etc. Another sign is fear of the "conversation lag" where nobody has anything to say. If your relationship is "right", you'll enjoy spending quality time together - even when it's quiet.

8. You respect your partner, and "talk him or her up".

Is there anyone that agrees with everything someone else says or thinks? (I can tell you - nobody agrees with everything I say!) There's no reason you have to agree with everything your partner says or thinks either. However, you should RESPECT them for it - right or wrong.

Further, when you respect someone - really respect them - you find yourself "talking them up" to people. You say things like, "You know, my girlfriend said something that I don't agree with, but it really made me think" or "My husband really knows about wood working - you should ask him about it."

What this really shows is your focus - if you find you're always talking about yourself, you're not focused on your partner - or the relationship.

7. You are really interested in what he or she thinks.

Along with respect, you'll find that you are interested in your partner's thoughts on different things - and you ask. You might have heard the President of your company say something and you ask your wife to get her take on it. Or, you may have come up with an idea that you want your boyfriend to think about - and you're not afraid of getting shot down.

6. You are aware of, but ignore their quirks.

Everyone (even YOU bunky!) has his or her little quirks. Your partner's quirks might even appear cute to you, or at least harmless. If they're getting to you, you should look more closely at your relationship in general.

5. Problems don't make you think about breaking up.

All relationships have problems. It's natural and healthy. However, if every time you fight you feel ready to
break up, you should re-think your relationship. People that have good, solid relationships see disagreements as a chance to learn more about their lover, and to get closer. Thus, they don't fear them, but they don't create them either!

4. You aren't scared about losing him or her.

Once you start investing your feelings in a relationship you risk being hurt. This isn't my rule - it's just the way it is. However, if you dwell on the possibility of being hurt, you can't really enjoy the relationship. Further, you shouldn't be concerned that your lover isn't happy. If the relationship is secure - you'll know it.

3. You're together "just because".

Many people start dating and then coordinate their lives such that they have to be together - either for finances, kids, family, work, the dog, etc. Is there something keeping your relationship together? If you're together just because you both want to be, you've got a good reason to stay together! If you're together because you have to be, you'll likely to start having problems.

2. You appreciate other attractive people, but aren't interested in them

There is someone more attractive than your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. I don't care whom you're with! If your relationship is good, you still like the way other people look, but don't find it necessary to compare them to your partner. After all ...

1. You are in love.

If you don't know that you're in love, you're not. Love is very difficult to explain, but one of the best explanation I've seen is this:

"Love is when you are more concerned with the well being, safety and happiness of someone else than your own."

That's a pretty powerful idea, and something I hope everyone gets to experience.



I spend much of my time pointing out where things went wrong with this person's approach, or that person's
relationship, etc. I thought it might be time to look at what makes a relationship "right". That is, how do you know you're in a relationship that can last? Here's my top 10:

10. You feel good about yourself and your world.

A good relationship makes you feel great. It should fill in your "gaps" and make you feel whole. It should give you emotional strength and help you to feel that everything is ok and will continue to be. Another good sign is that you're better able to survive disasters at work, at home, etc. not because you know someone will be there to solve them, but because you know that YOU can.

9. You look forward to spending time together.

Far too many couples stay together out of habit. They don't really look forward to being together and try to find
ways to avoid it. For example, they always try to include other friends, go to an event so that they'll have something to do, etc. Another sign is fear of the "conversation lag" where nobody has anything to say. If your relationship is "right", you'll enjoy spending quality time together - even when it's quiet.

8. You respect your partner, and "talk him or her up".

Is there anyone that agrees with everything someone else says or thinks? (I can tell you - nobody agrees with everything I say!) There's no reason you have to agree with everything your partner says or thinks either. However, you should RESPECT them for it - right or wrong.

Further, when you respect someone - really respect them - you find yourself "talking them up" to people. You say things like, "You know, my girlfriend said something that I don't agree with, but it really made me think" or "My husband really knows about wood working - you should ask him about it."

What this really shows is your focus - if you find you're always talking about yourself, you're not focused on your partner - or the relationship.

7. You are really interested in what he or she thinks.

Along with respect, you'll find that you are interested in your partner's thoughts on different things - and you ask. You might have heard the President of your company say something and you ask your wife to get her take on it. Or, you may have come up with an idea that you want your boyfriend to think about - and you're not afraid of getting shot down.

6. You are aware of, but ignore their quirks.

Everyone (even YOU bunky!) has his or her little quirks. Your partner's quirks might even appear cute to you, or at least harmless. If they're getting to you, you should look more closely at your relationship in general.

5. Problems don't make you think about breaking up.

All relationships have problems. It's natural and healthy. However, if every time you fight you feel ready to
break up, you should re-think your relationship. People that have good, solid relationships see disagreements as a chance to learn more about their lover, and to get closer. Thus, they don't fear them, but they don't create them either!

4. You aren't scared about losing him or her.

Once you start investing your feelings in a relationship you risk being hurt. This isn't my rule - it's just the way it is. However, if you dwell on the possibility of being hurt, you can't really enjoy the relationship. Further, you shouldn't be concerned that your lover isn't happy. If the relationship is secure - you'll know it.

3. You're together "just because".

Many people start dating and then coordinate their lives such that they have to be together - either for finances, kids, family, work, the dog, etc. Is there something keeping your relationship together? If you're together just because you both want to be, you've got a good reason to stay together! If you're together because you have to be, you'll likely to start having problems.

2. You appreciate other attractive people, but aren't interested in them

There is someone more attractive than your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. I don't care whom you're with! If your relationship is good, you still like the way other people look, but don't find it necessary to compare them to your partner. After all ...

1. You are in love.

If you don't know that you're in love, you're not. Love is very difficult to explain, but one of the best explanation I've seen is this:

"Love is when you are more concerned with the well being, safety and happiness of someone else than your own."

That's a pretty powerful idea, and something I hope everyone gets to experience.

8 Keterampilan Paling Dicari Perusahaan

8 Keterampilan Paling Dicari Perusahaan

Menurut sebuah penelitian, paling tidak ada 8 keterampilan yang paling dibutuhkan perusahaan. Apakah Anda memiliki salah-satunya?

Selain nilai akademis tinggi, masa depan karir anda juga ditentukan oleh keterampilan yang dimiliki. Tapi, tak sedikit perusahaan yang lebih mengutamakan keterampilan ketimbang indeks prestasi pelamar kerja. Sebelum terlambat, ada baiknya Anda mengasah keterampilan di bidang-bidang berikut ini:

Bahasa asing
Menuju era globalisasi, penguasaan bahasa asing menjadi syarat mutlak rekruitmen pada setiap perusahaan. Karena itu, paling tidak Anda harus menguasi salah satu bahasa asing seperti Inggris, Jepang, China, Jerman dan Perancis. Bidang kerja spesifik yang masuk kategori ini misalnya penterjemah, diplomat dll.

Teknis mesin
Keterampilan ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk perkembangan, kemajuan dan kontinuitas produksi. Bagian instalasi jaringan listrik dan elektronik, banyak dicari. Dengan spesialisai khusus, keterampilan ini bisa mengisi posisi di bidang teknologi telekomunikasi, otomotif, transportasi, dll.

Perusahaan yang memiliki karyawan lebih dari satu orang, tentu membutuhkan orang yang bisa melakukan interaksi timbal balik dengan baik. Sukses sebuah perusahaan sangat bergantung pada interaksi tersebut, yang dimotori oleh orang yang memahami kebutuhan karyawan.

Programmer komputer
Perusahaan kini tengah menuju pada pemerataan sistem komputerisasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan daya saing. Itulah sebabnya, mereka membutuhkan orang-orang yang mengerti secara detil seluk beluk program komputer. (Lanjut, klik disini... )

Banyak perusahaan menggaji pengajar khusus untuk meberikan kursus tambahan bagi karyawannya, misalnya perpajakan, bisnis manajemen, pelayanan sosial atau manajemen administrasi. Mereka yang memiliki pengetahuan multi disipliner semacam ini biasanya kerap 'dikejar' banyak perusahaan.

Manajemen Keuangan
Bila Anda menguasai ilmu manajemen bisnis, akuntansi, investasi dan perencanaan keuangan perusahaan, maka Anda tak perlu kuatir tak mendapatkan pekerjaan. Hanya saja, Anda perlu membuktikan diri dulu.

Ilmu Kimia & Matematika
Kebutuhan pasar kerja akan sumberdaya manusia di bidang kimia, fisika, biologi ini, akan selalu tinggi dan tidak akan pernah surut. Bidang kerja yang termasuk di dalamnya misalnya apoteker, ahli pangan dan obat-obatan, peneliti, dll.

Memecahkan masalah
Mereka yang mampu mengidentifikasi berbagai masalah, mencari solusi, membuat keputusan yang efektif adalah salah satu yang paling dicari perusahaan. Dengan kemampuan itu, Anda layak menjadi bisnis administrator, konsultan manajemen, dan administrasi negara.